Introducing Dr Veronica O’Carroll, Senior Educator Interprofessional Learning, NHS Scotland Academy 

Dr Veronica O’Carroll (PhD, MSc, BA, RN, SFHEA) is an educationalist and a Registered Nurse. She has been involved in health professions education since 2007 and is a Senior Lecturer, Director of Postgraduate Teaching, and Programme Director for the PgCert/PgDip/MSc Health Professions Education programme in the School of Medicine, University of St Andrews.  Veronica has been involved in interprofessional education (IPE) since 2009. She has led the design and implementation of a number of IPE initiatives within the academic and practice environment and has undertaken research and published in this area.  She is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Interprofessional Care and a member of the Board of Directors for The Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE).  As a Senior Educator, Veronica will be working with CSMEN to develop and support IPE across all regions. If you are considering developing new opportunities for IPE but are not sure where to start or if you are already implementing IPE and want to take this further to explore the impact on practice, please feel free to get in touch 

Developing Clinical Skills through Simulation-based Education: Introductory guidance for staff within NHS Education for Scotland  

The CSMEN operational group has approved new guidance aimed at facilitating a consistent approach amongst educators within NHS Education for Scotland that are new to developing clinical skills through simulation-based education. The guidance introduces common terms and definitions related to simulation-based learning and signposts educators to existing resources developed by CSMEN, Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors and other directorates across NES that support design and delivery of education and impact evaluation.  

The document was written by the Clinicals Skills and Simulation-based Education Group within the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Directorate, and aims to support NES employed staff and those in a practice education role. The guidance is a live document and will be updated in response to feedback and as the NES transformation programme develops with implementation of the Learning and Education Quality System. If you have any feedback about this document please email

Developing Clinical Skills through Simulation-based Education: Introductory guidance for staff within NHS Education for Scotland 

ASPiH Standards  

Late last year ASPiH (Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare) published their updated and renewed standards for simulation education. The revised ASPiH Standards continue to focus on elements and principles of theory and evidence-based practice applicable over the broad spectrum of simulation in health and care as a guiding compass for decision-making as an educator and include core values; faculty; activity and resource management. The full standards can be found here: 

Mobile Skills Unit Update


In April, the CSMEN team had a busy two weeks preparing the Mobile Skills Unit and all its equipment for the upcoming May visits.  The first stop is the Mull & Iona Community Hospital.  The unit then travels onto the Western Isles with training being delivered in Barra, Benbecula and Stornoway. Training sessions include EMRS training, psychiatry scenarios, GP training and surgical skills training. We are delighted to be running an MSU Faculty Development Course in Barra. 

April also saw the second MSU Faculty Development Course of the year run by the Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert.  

Thinking of booking the Mobile Skills Unit for your region? Check out the availability on this calendar.   

BASICS Scotland Update 

Please refer to the BASICS Scotland website for all course dates.  

DIHS Scotland Update 

Places are still available on the courses below, running in the Surgical Skills Centre, Level 5, Ninewells Hospital. For more information and an online registration form please visit 

  • Core Skills in Laparoscopic Surgery Course 
  • Intermediate Skills for Laparoscopic Surgeons 
  • EAES Laparoscopic Upper GI Surgery Course 
  • Fundamentals of Transurethral Resection and Ureteroscopic Skills using animal and human Cadaveric models. 
  • Cadaveric Open Radical Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion Surgical Skills Course 
  • Rectal Prolapse Surgical Management Cadaveric Course 

Please refer to the DIHS Scotland website for all other course dates.  

SCSCHF Update 

Please refer to the SCSCHF website for all course dates.