Across NHS Scotland there is a unique network of practice education staff across NES, NHS Boards and universities that deliver nursing and midwifery education.

The NES practice education team works in partnership with colleagues from practice and education providers to create networks that support nurses and midwives across Scotland.

Nursing and midwifery practice education

Nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals (NMAHP) development framework

Scottish Multiprofessional Maternity Development Programme

Guidance for educators new to the design, delivery and evaluation of simulation-based education

The CSMEN operational group has approved new guidance aimed at facilitating a consistent approach amongst educators within NHS Education for Scotland that are new to developing clinical skills through simulation-based education. The guidance introduces common terms and definitions related to simulation-based learning, and signposts educators to existing resources developed by CSMEN, Scottish Centre for Simulation and Clinical Human Factors and other directorates across NES that support design and delivery of education and impact evaluation.

Developing Clinical Skills through Simulation-based Education:Introductory guidance for staff within
NHS Education for Scotland

More resources about developing clinical skills through simulation-based education are available on Turas Learn.

Developing and maintaining skills in the practice setting