Introducing Karen Johnstone Senior Educator (West Region) NHS Scotland Academy
Karen Johnstone (RGN, BSc, MSc) graduated from Strathclyde University as a Registered General Nurse in 1999 and began her nursing career within NHS Lanarkshire. Following relocation to London in 2002 she pursued a role within Emergency Medicine and now has twenty years’ experience in emergency care. Throughout this time Karen has acquired an in-depth knowledge of the emergency care environment and has developed competence in multiple advanced clinical skills. Karen has a passion and enthusiasm for professional development, advancing practice and advocates for a whole team approach to learning. As CSMEN educator Karen is keen to explore, develop and support interprofessional and multi-disciplinary simulation-based learning opportunities across the West region. Karen encourages sharing of ideas. Please feel free to contact her if you would like to discuss any learning needs or enquire about simulation-based education opportunities.
3D Printing for Simulation
NES Associate Postgraduate Dean for Ophthalmology Simulation, Peter Wilson, kindly organised a session about 3D printing for Simulation on the 24th of January at SCSCHF. The hybrid event covered everything from the principles of 3D design and manufacture, to setting up a 3D print lab. The feedback from the event has been very encouraging, with lots of inspirational ideas and thoughts about how we can use this technology to enhance simulation-based education.
The response has been so great that we are looking to run future events around 3D printing. If you wish to be kept informed, please join the Microsoft Teams group 3d printing for simulation.
NMAHP Webinar
We are excited to report our first NMAHP introductory webinar was held on 31st January led by our NES Colleague Peter Glover and supported by CSMEN. Over one hundred people attended from ten different professions. This offered an opportunity to share both CSMEN and NMAHP Directorate resources and we promoted national, regional and local infrastructure and networks. The target audience were people in practice development roles, education roles in the practice setting and practitioners interested in engaging with simulation-based learning. Going forward we are planning more practical and introductory sessions to different aspects of clinical skills development through simulation-based learning. If you would like to be involved, please contact us :
Mobile Skills Unit (MSU) Update
The Mobile Skills Unit attended Helimed 79, Scotland Charity Air Ambulance, for two weeks of clinical skills training in January. In February, the Mobile Skills Unit had its first visit to Assynt Medical practice in Lochinvar. Local community teams and paramedics took part in BLS/ALS and airway management sessions.
The first MSU faculty development course of the year took place at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.
The next MSU faculty development course takes place in April and there are still 2 spaces available. See all 2024 course dates here Faculty Development Course Dates.
Thinking of booking the Mobile Skills Unit for your region? Check out the MSU availability on this calendar.
BASICS Scotland Update
Please refer to the BASICS Scotland website for all course dates
DIHS Scotland Update
Flexible Cystoscopy Course for Urology Trainees and Specialist Nurses 22nd April 2024
There are still 2 places left on the Surgical Skills Centre practical introduction course, aimed at junior urological trainees and urology nurses into the use of the flexible cystoscope. You will understand and be able to handle a flexible cystoscope such as cleaning & disinfection, setting up, troubleshooting as well as performing various practical manoeuvres including performing diagnostic cystoscopy on models with different pathologies (stone, tumour), manipulation of grasping forceps and tissue biopsy. You will also have the chance to perform safe stent removal during the course. At the end of the course, you should have a basic knowledge of the normal bladder and be able to recognize simple pathology.
For more information and to register please visit the DIHS website
Do you want to get involved in simulation-based research? Do you have ideas and / or data that you don't know what to do with? This course can help!
Getting Started in Simulation-Based Research
A one-day online course designed to build the essential foundations to allow participants to design, complete and disseminate their own simulation-based research projects. It is open to all interested individuals, regardless of professional background or simulation experience, although some working knowledge of how immersive simulation is delivered is desirable.
The course will include an introduction to the various types of simulation-based research, how to formulate a research question, different approaches to data collection and analysis, and how to disseminate research findings (including journal selection). There will also be the opportunity for participants to seek individualised feedback on their research proposals from peers and facilitators.
For more information and online booking, please visit the SCSCHF website.
8th International Symposium on Accidental Hypothermia 6 April - Aberdeen
NES Annual Conference - Developing a Compassionate, Skilled and Sustainable Workforce Through Innovative Education and Technology 25 & 26 April - Online
The Scottish SIMposium 11 June - Edinburgh
Society for Simulation in Europe - Supporting Excellence in Healthcare 19 – 21 June - Prague
ASPiH Conference 2024 3 - 5 of November - Edinburgh
A range of resources to help you deliver simulation-based education can be found here