Catie Paton - New Clinical Lead, New Year  

Collaboration is the message for 2024, exploring the continuum of current simulation activities across health and social care. The intention is to maximise collaboration having spent my first few months exploring simulation practice across Scotland. It has been an inspiring experience witnessing the innovation and creativity in the design and delivery of simulation experiences; from immersion to mastery learning, supporting learning across the spectrum of clinical and social care professionals.  

I look forward to the maintenance of the current program of activities and to support and further develop future activities for simulation, particularly in the transformative space. Connecting people, sharing knowledge skills and experience, promoting multi-professional learning, and sharing best practice are key to ensuring safe effective person-centred care. 

Simulation Training Update  

Over the last year there has been an increase in simulation opportunities for medical trainees, with new courses being developed across a range of specialties. Some examples include:   

Acute Care Common Stem (ACCS) trainees attended the first Critical Care Skills, Drills and Simulation course in August 2023, with the next course planned for February 2024. The course provides an introduction to critical care with a number of skills and drills covered (e.g. open chest drain, cardioversion, procedural sedation and ventilator use) as well as immersive simulation.  

Internal Medicine Training (IMT) have developed two new shadowbox sim sessions on 'shock' and 'agitation' alongside a 'tracheostomy for medical registrar' session.  This will be implemented in the IMT3 Registrar Ready Course from March 2024.  

Intensive Care Medicine Training (ICM) The first Paediatric Emergency Management and Stabilisation for ICM Trainees (PEMSIT) course took place in October 2023. The first 'Cardiothoracic ICM sim day' and 'Organ Donation simulation course' are taking place early this year.   

Cross specialty collaboration courses have been run with trainees from interventional radiology and vascular surgery. These have focused on Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) and how these are best deployed by a collaborative cross-specialty team. The course will be run on a biannual basis across Scotland.   

A pilot Trauma and Surgical Skills course was held at the Suttie centre in Aberdeen. The course was designed to facilitate realistic Trauma Team training and participants included senior trainees in Surgery, Anaesthetics, Orthopaedics & Emergency Medicine along with nurses from Theatre and Emergency Department.  

 You can read more about specialty specific simulation training developments in the Scotland Deanery Newsletter December 2023  

Mobile Skills Unit (MSU) Update  

2023 was a busy year for the Mobile Skills Unit. 1032 people benefited from training including over 800 NHS staff, across 188 training sessions. We were also pleased to visit several new sites including Newton Stewart, Victoria Hospital and Stranraer.   

The MSU returned to the Western Isles for its annual tour. BASICS Scotland delivered core skills training including maternity & neonatal, cardiac, trauma and paediatric emergencies. The Emergency Medical Retrieval Service (EMRS) team and Dundee Institute for Healthcare Simulation (DIHS) delivered training in Islay. At Edinburgh City Station 97 paramedics participated in 2 weeks of clinical skills training. The unit also supported Scotland’s Air Ambulance at Helimed 79 with 4 days of intensive paramedic training in which 60 participants attended.  In December the MSU attended Murrayfield stadium supporting Scottish rugby's concussion awareness and brain health event.   

2024 sees continued work with Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance with the unit returning to Helimed 79 in January. The MSU is also looking forward to its first visit to Assynt Medical practice in Lochinver.   

The next faculty development course takes place in February.  See all 2024 course dates here Faculty Development Course Dates.  

Check out the MSU availability on this calendar.   

Conference Dates  

8th International Symposium on Accidental Hypothermia  -  6th of April Aberdeen   

NES Annual Conference - Developing a Compassionate, Skilled and Sustainable Workforce Through Innovative Education and Technology – 25th & 26th April Online 

NHS Scotland Event 2024 10th & 11th  June 2024 Glasgow 

New Team Member 

The CSMEN team welcomed Laura Urquhart as Network Co-ordinator. She will be working alongside Karen Willey to answer any email queries and ensure the smooth running of conferences and meetings.   


NES Cultural Humility Digital Resource 

National Centre for Remote & Rural Health & Care Learning Events   

If you would like CSMEN to share information on your behalf, please email