The West Region includes NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Dumfries and Galloway, Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Lanarkshire.

There is a growing need and enthusiasm for simulation based learning across the region.  The West has several training facilities and centres each offering a wide range of skills and immersive simulation courses.  This includes our high fidelity simulation centre at the Scottish Centre for Simulation & Clinical Human Factors /Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

The regional aim is to maximise collaboration and to build on the work of the Healthcare Skills Simulation Collaborative.  To date we have supported several multi-speciality courses and multi-agency simulation events.  Currently we are promoting inclusion of all professional bodies by establishing collaborations within the Social Care directorate and with regional AHP Practice Education teams.  Additionally, discussions are ongoing with various professional groups to ensure appropriate resources are shared and duplication is minimal.  Regular collaboration of our regional leads aims to promote a ‘Once for Scotland Approach’ with consistency and progression of simulation based learning.

Karen Johnstone - Senior Educator​ NHSSA/CSMEN West